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Carrabelle Beach

January 26, 2022 - Carrabelle Beach is most of the way from Mexico Beach to Apalachicola. IT's beautifully open, with stark white sands. Th...
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Mexico Beach

January 16, 2022 - Covid sort of put a dent in my posting - that and having to teach. So finally, we got to travel, albeit somewhat slowly...
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I like my T100

September 22, 2020 - While this verges on product placement, I actually do love this bike. It's fast (60mph in <4 seconds for me!), stable, a...
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Sandhill Cranes

January 12, 2020 - The sandhill cranes are back in Northeastern Alabama. These are off CR22 west of Rome. Impressive, big, noisy birds. Th...
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Getting Close

January 04, 2020 - A follow on from my earlier post about the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. One of the things that makes for a striki...
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Not Just Alligators.

December 31, 2019 - Savannah National Wildlife Refuge is famous for birds and alligators. They're be more of those later. The main driving l...
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Still life with cat.

December 29, 2019 - We had a visitor this morning in Savannah. One of the local cats came over to show off his new bow - though how his peop...
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Sweetwater Creek State Park

November 27, 2019 - Containing a souvenir of General Sherman's visit to Atlanta - though it was CSA General Wheeler whose cavalry destroyed...
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San Diego

November 21, 2019 - Just some shots from a trip to the west coast. A city scene
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Impudent Bird

November 10, 2019 - There isn't much that scares these birds. She posed for me, even though I stood barely a meter away. The Gulls in San Di...
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Old Fort Niagara

September 18, 2019 - Fort Niagara sits 45 minute or so drive north of Niagara falls, at the mouth of the Niagara river. The French built it,...
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Niagara Falls

September 09, 2019 - I visited one of the most photographed places in the world. The challenge is then how to take a stunning and at least pa...
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Morning flight

September 06, 2019 - This is one of those that belongs in Delta's glossy brochure. I exposed for the sun and sky and expected enough details...
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August 29, 2019 - After a rainy night, dawn broke. I caught the sun bursting through the edge of the trees, just right. This field is bein...
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White Balance

August 18, 2019 - One of the more frustrating things when you fly on "automatic" is color balance. Most of the time the camera does a good...
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August 04, 2019 - The last post from our family visit. We walked up the river at Pontneddfechan. I posted a time-action shot earlier, but...
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Small Whites

July 30, 2019 - These small white butterflies, which are feasting on lavender nectar, are actually "Small White" butterflies (Pieris Rap...
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King Arthur's Cave

July 28, 2019 - King Arthur's cave is an opening at the top of the cliffs in the Wye valley. It's supposedly a natural cave, but time an...
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The Grey Wethers

July 23, 2019 - Avebury is a world heritage site, and - unlike Stonehenge - a place where you can actually touch the stones. Most people...
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Back in the UK, Wotton Under-Edge

July 21, 2019 - Wotton under-edge is a village not too far from Bristol and a favorite local walk when we're in the UK. We parked on th...
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ANZAC Biscuits

May 16, 2019 - ANZAC biscuits are a storied staple of OZ and NZ. They're named for the expeditionary force from WW1, and both the name...
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Auburn Graduation 2019

May 07, 2019 - My son has just graduated from Auburn, Physics and Mathematics. Wonder where that came from? The rather horrible pictur...
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Atlanta Streets

January 20, 2019 - Just a few scenes from my walk back to G-deck after a long afternoon at the Imaging 2019 trade show. There's a murder my...
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Bon Secour NWR

December 23, 2018 - A follow up to my post on RVs. One of the highlights of our trip was exploring the nearby National Wildlife Refuge. We...
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Travels with an RV

December 21, 2018 - At Fort Morgan RV park A complete change of pace for camping, (my base weight <15lbs), we decided to try out using an R...
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Bon Secour NWR

December 18, 2018 - One of the few places on the gulf shore that you can get to the dunes is Bon Secour NWR. We weren't there at the best ti...
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December 16, 2018 - We're exploring the Gulf Shores, near Mobile AL. These are the more cannonical pelicans, very different from the white a...
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Thanksgiving Break

November 19, 2018 - The students are gone, vanished into the dust. GSU becomes almost a ghost-town, even the homeless head off for greener p...
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Oldbury on Severn

November 18, 2018 - Another cartoon. The church of Saint Arilda. Arilda lived in the 5th or 6th century and other than dying while defending...
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A Christmas Card?

November 17, 2018 - I played with colour-specific masking in the cartoon. It brings out the Post box (In the UK the Royal Mail collects and...
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September 15, 2018 - The blackberries were turning ripe in the UK. This shows a few ripe ones with the mixture of colors of unripe ones. (It'...
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Saint Catherine's chapel, Abbotsbury

September 12, 2018 - Abbotsbury, Dorset, is rather unsurprisingly named after the abbey that was established there from the time of King Cnut...
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Hiking in Devon

September 08, 2018 - When the weather is good (as it's been far too often this summer), hiking in the UK is beautiful. The South Coast foot p...
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Exeter Abbey Ruins

September 04, 2018 - The ruins of St Stephens Alms house in Exeter make for an interesting visit. They're slowly returning to nature, in the...
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Untouched Beauty

September 03, 2018 - While it would be nice, sod that, first rate to live in the English countryside. Even if it is near those barbarous Wels...
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Two Cultures

August 18, 2018 - Something of a followup on my last post. This images, taken at the West Kennet long barrow several years ago (during ano...
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English folk magic

August 16, 2018 - One of the interesting things about travelling in England, especially in the more rural areas is the survival of what ap...
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Petroglyphs from Albuquerque

August 10, 2018 - One of the things that I've discovered, rather belatedly, is how useful a little post-processing can be. These are photo...
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Wryscan Quarry (more ruins)

August 08, 2018 - Wryscan Quarry is tucked deep inside of Moel yr Hydd. An earlier post shows some of the ruins. The ruins remind me of Mo...
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California Trail Maps, 2018

August 03, 2018 - I’ll have to figure out how to get wordpress to handle gpx or kmz or kml files, but here are the maps from our excellent...
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A Moment in Time.

July 31, 2018 - The ferry terminal, San Francisco, July 2018.
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Most Excellent Adventure – Part Three, Point Reyes.

July 29, 2018 - After turning inland we headed to Sonoma – where I forgot to take pictures as it looks much like any other small Califor...
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Tyndale Monument

July 26, 2018 - Tyndale monument, above at sunset, and below nearer mid-day, is not far from Bristol. You can, for a small donation, cli...
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A Ruined Village

July 25, 2018 - Moel yr hydd is a mountain near Snowdon. It's surrounded by a deserted village, a slate quarry that was founded in 1830...
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Coastal California

July 23, 2018 - This is one of my favorite images from California. Simple, stark, and yet (at least to my eyes) somewhat moving. It's ac...
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California LIghthouses

July 20, 2018 - One of the recurring themes along the California coast is the lighthouses. Even with GPS and modern navigation, the fogg...
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Most Excellent Adventure – Part Two.

July 08, 2018 - After a couple of days exploring San Francisco, we decided to explore further north. Unfortunately, the next few days we...
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Elkhorn Slough Wildlife Refuge (State of California)

July 02, 2018 - Another digression, between Monterey (we actually stayed in Marina, but more on that in another post) and Santa Cruz, we...
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Tule Elk on Point Reyes.

June 28, 2018 - Something of a digression, but we just walked the Tomales point trail at Point Reyes National Seashore through the Tule...
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The Start of a Most Excellent Adventure.

June 26, 2018 - We decided to try exploring the West coast for a number of reasons. The most pressing being to see how the trees I plant...
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Dunster Loop #Exmoor #UKwalks

July 28, 2017 - I’ve been queuing up a series of walks – mostly about 10 km (6 miles for us colonials), and this is the second. This...
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Dunkery Beacon #UKwalks

July 09, 2017 - I’ve been queuing up a series of walks – mostly about 10 km (6 miles for us colonials), and this is the first. Dunkery...
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