A Moment in Time.

July 31, 2018 - The ferry terminal, San Francisco, July 2018.
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Cat and Puppy

July 30, 2018 - Our cat, well one of them anyway, has finally begun to relax about that terrible new interloper. You can see that the f...
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The Joy of Frogs

July 29, 2018 - A selection of the Genus Rana From my wildlife gallery
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Most Excellent Adventure – Part Three, Point Reyes.

July 29, 2018 - After turning inland we headed to Sonoma – where I forgot to take pictures as it looks much like any other small Califor...
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July 28, 2018 - From Lake Weiss.
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A new lens

July 27, 2018 - I'm in the process of upgrading my photographic equipment. Zoom lenses don't quite cut it for professional work. They do...
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Tyndale Monument

July 26, 2018 - Tyndale monument, above at sunset, and below nearer mid-day, is not far from Bristol. You can, for a small donation, cli...
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A Ruined Village

July 25, 2018 - Moel yr hydd is a mountain near Snowdon. It's surrounded by a deserted village, a slate quarry that was founded in 1830...
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July 24, 2018 - One of the fun things to do with a telephoto is to get close-ups of small critters. These are all over the place in Nort...
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Coastal California

July 23, 2018 - This is one of my favorite images from California. Simple, stark, and yet (at least to my eyes) somewhat moving. It's ac...
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Finn meets his brother

July 22, 2018 - Our rescue puppy got to meet up with his brother yesterday. Both dogs look fantastic and nothing at all like the bedragg...
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Our Rescue Puppy

July 21, 2018 - One of the disputable joys of spending time in the Alabama back-country is the chance to rescue animals. Someone dropped...
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California LIghthouses

July 20, 2018 - One of the recurring themes along the California coast is the lighthouses. Even with GPS and modern navigation, the fogg...
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Most Excellent Adventure – Part Two.

July 08, 2018 - After a couple of days exploring San Francisco, we decided to explore further north. Unfortunately, the next few days we...
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Elkhorn Slough Wildlife Refuge (State of California)

July 02, 2018 - Another digression, between Monterey (we actually stayed in Marina, but more on that in another post) and Santa Cruz, we...
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