Two Cultures

August 18, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Two cultures at AveburyTwo cultures at AveburyArchaeologists (the serious ones on top) and true believers. Something of a followup on my last post. This images, taken at the West Kennet long barrow several years ago (during another of those increasingly common heat waves) and near the solstice, shows two groups of people enjoying Avebury.  The ones standing on top of the barrow are from an archaeologist guided tour. It's a great place to see the entire sweep of the neolithic monument. The others are celebrating, dancing and chanting. They couldn't be more different.  There's usually a corn dolly or other offering left inside the barrow. Better than the crisp wrappers that were there 30 years ago. 

Silbury HillSilbury HillThe view from the front of West Kennet Long barrow. The view from the barrow


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