Bon Secour NWR

December 18, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

DSC00189Palmetto and pines One of the few places on the gulf shore that you can get to the dunes is Bon Secour NWR. We weren't there at the best time for birding (though to be honest, much like fishing, there is no bad time for birding. Only some are  better than others.) The beach is only available to the public after a mile and a half (3km or so) walk - so few people make the effort. Pets aren't allowed, which prevents your sweet little fluffy from disturbing the birds and other animals.

Which is a good thing. The birds are surprisingly tame. This little sandbird came within a few feet of me, letting me take pictures (70mm lens on a Sony A7III) all the way. Here are a couple of the better ones.

DSC00132feeding at the surfline As with other animals, it helps to get closer to their eye level. Though, without a waterproof camera, there is a limit.

DSC00162Searching for critters


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