A Momentous Step

August 21, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Screenshot from 2018-08-21 08-17-50My Commercial Website

The first really big step in becoming a commercial photographer. I've set up my Google business listing.  You can see the quality of my work on this blog, and if it's not extraordinary, it is pretty dashed good - above the plimpsoll line so to say. As you can tell from the places I photograph, travel is something I'll gladly do, though I expect pets and people in Atlanta will be my main customers. There is a bit more paperwork, but this is the start.

I've had to be careful, for privacy reasons, about the people I put in the public area. Zenfolio has private 'customer galleries' and that will be used for customer proofs. For the curious, that machine is running Linux Mint, and using Darktable for image processing.

And now a return to our regularly scheduled programming with a neat picture:

Peachtree in the Morning.Peachtree in the Morning.I love the smell of exhaust in the morning.

A Morning in Atlanta, Police in front of Kell Hall.


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