Sony 200-600 telephoto lens - a review

December 25, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

DSC02620SquirrelSquirrel You may have noticed that I like to take photographs of wildlife, even fairly tame creatures like this grey squirrel. They don't stay still for portraits so a good telephoto lens is essential.

The Sony 200-600 is my latest try - first a mirror lens, then a sigma 150-600, and finally this.  It is of first quality. Even though it costs about $2000, it is money well spent. Auto focus works well with the A7III. it's best to use continuous focus because the focal plane is very sharp and the subject can easily move out of it. It does use more battery power than smaller lenses, so be prepared with a backup.  I'm looking forward to trying it out at the Savannah natural history reserve.


At 100% magnification, the image is still sharp. squirrel_eyesquirrel_eye100%

A less extreme view is still good.

DSC02608two deertwo deer Even under less than ideal light (dusk and rain) the image is sharper than I could get with the sigma lens in much better light.

A DoeA Doewith the sigma lens

as is clearly visible when you scale the images to about the same size.


I think she's the same doe, but in her winter colors.


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